Visual Artist (Video/Film Producer, Director, Photography) I Performance Artist
Carola Schmidt (born in Horn, Austria) started as a student of Prof. Gabriele Rothemann / University of applied Arts / Vienna, and completed her MFA at the University of Arts Berlin, studying under Professor Rebecca Horn.
In 2008, she won the renowned Diagonale best newcomer prize and was awarded a Sophie and Emanuel Fohn stipend. Numerous awards and nominations for her music and video art have since followed. She has exhibited widely in Berlin and Vienna as well as in Hungary, Brazil, Spain, Japan, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Mexico and China.
Carola Schmidt is an established artist, director, and filmmaker, whose portfolio includes international museum exhibitions, and collaborations with various artists, TV stations, record labels and festivals.
Although her production and artistic experience covers a wide range, she specialises in producing artistic visual media content, including AI generated music videos & stage videos, documentaries, press photos & social media content, album covers and visual artworks; mainly in the cultural context, for both newcomers and large clients. She realizes projects from start to finish: from the initial artistic concept, through to the conception and implementation, including editing and post-production. She has hosted events such as the Berlin Music Video Awards.
In 2016 she brought her alter ego Lulu Schmidt into being – a performative, multi-talented, erotic, romantic and overexposed persona, acting out her journey of self-discovery.
As a one-woman orchestra (Vox/electronica/keys/violin) she developed a comprehensive live concept which integrates lighting, stage design, and costume. She is known for her shrill conceptual stagings, which focus on the themes of transformation and identity.
The Austrian artist currently lives and works in Vienna, Berlin, and Waldviertel (AT).
Scholarships, Grants
2020: Lulu Schmidt nominated for Austrian music x-port award
2020: Carola Schmidt artist scholarship Stadt Wien & Land NÖ
2020: FIRE wins prize for best music video @ Byron Bay Film Festival
2019: FIRE wins award best music video @ Bucharest short cinefest festival
2018: INES Talent Award for Lulu Schmidt
2017: funding / grant for Album Production BiPopularity (Lulu Schmidt) by MUSIKFONDS Austria
2013 nomination Berlin Music Video Awards for Innocent
2011 Drehbuchförderung Spielfilmprojekt TANGOWERK vom Bundesministerium f. Kunst u. Kultur / Österreich
2010 START Stipendium für Filmkunst vom Bundesministerium f. Kunst u. Kultur / Österreich für Spielfilmprojekt TANGOWERK (Projektentwicklung)
2009 BEETHOVENFEST BONN: Produktionskostenzuschuss / “The last trick!”
2008 DIAGONALE Preis für den besten Österreichischen Nachwuchsfilm 2007/2008 für “Wir bitten dich, verführe uns!”
2008 Sophie und Emanuel FOHN Stipendium
2007 Meisterschülerstipendium von REBECCA HORN/ UDK Berlin
2006 Stipendium der Kulturabteilung MA7 der Stadt Wien

presenting a limited series of AI generated Oil paintings
current exhibition:Traklhaus, Salzburg - opening 25.4.24, 19h / Artist Talk 26.4.24, 18h
24.4. EFRAT ALONY - Bruckner Universität Linz
artistic collaboration / AI generated stage videos for Efrat Alony
upcoming: Vernissage EGA Wien opening 7.5.24
upcoming: 23.8./24.8.: Progress Festival
live: LULU SCHMIDT X ENGL - "Reset Ritual"
Galerie Roland Puschitz (Project Info)
Kultursommer Wien: LULU SCHMIDT X D´AVANTGARDE - "ChatGTP gone wild" - Szenische Lesung, - Regie& Konzept: Carola Schmidt link (Kultursommer Wien)
LULU SCHMIDT X THE GHOST - Artist talk, Museumsquartier Wien, FOTO WIEN, mit MK Gallery Berlin, Moderation: Adam Bloomberg. (curated by Anna Charlotte Schmid and Tobias Laukemper, Berlin)
LULU SCHMIDT X THE GHOST - "Unleashing the aura" - solo exhibition, Rathaus wien , AI generated limited edition series-oil on canvas - info link
"DOWNSTREAM" - group exhibition. KC GRAD Gallery, Belgrade
Kunst am Kanal, Wien "LULU SCHMIDT & The Ghost - "Hunters Daughters": oil paintings & walk-in video installation
BMKÖS - Sektion Kunst & Kultur - Auslandsstipendium für Filmkunst
COPINGMOVES - Dance and video project- sempowerment workshop in cooperation with Heizhaus Leipzig, Kultur macht Stark Kulturstiftung des Bundes Deutschland und Aktion Tanz.
featured at Ursula Blickle Videoarchiv, Belvedere Wien
Verleihung des deutschen Tanzpreis: "We live in a strange World" video screening, Theater und Philharmonie Essen, Aalto Theater, Dachverband Tanz
AI generated Cover Artwork & music video production for:
Ankathie Koi ("Baby Boy"), Nhoah ("TUNE", "Sie lacht am Dach", "When we" "Sommernacht")
music video productions: FOOL OF THE LOVING KIND -Ankathie Koi- weblink
BLACK TO GREY - Tin Man Falls video link, SIRENEN -Sigrid Horn
WAVES FESTIVAL Vienna - live video stream Performance (Lulu Schmidt) video link
art project Lulu Schmidt nominated for Austrian Music X-port Award
Carola Schmidt artist scholarship Stadt Wien
artist grant by Land NÖ for realization of concept for interactive art project RITES OF ENERGY CANALIZATION
FIRE wins prize for best music video @ Byron Bay Film Festival
founding of EMPOWERZONES - (a collective with Christin Schmidt realising socio cultural video and dance projects with young girls across Europe) - weblink
URBAN RITES OF STRENGTH - a dancevideo project featuring young girls from across germany and austria to exchange, connect and empower each other during the lockdown. funded by Chance Tanz, Kulturstiftung des Bundes (DE) & Kultur macht stark. link
WE LIVE IN A STRANGE WORLD - art project & video installation production feat. texts by Greta Thunberg / Fridays by Future, funded by Kulturstiftung des Bundes (DE), Chance Tanz & Kultur macht Stark in cooperation with Heizhaus Leipzig weblink
Hollywood isn´t calling - production of visual content (artistic press fotos & videos) for Israeli jazz singer Efrat Alony - weblink
MQ HOFMUSIK @ Museumsquartier Vienna – Solo Performance Lulu Schmidt
FM4 Club @ VIENNALE – Int. Filmfestival, Vienna @Kunsthalle Wien - Album Release Concert BiPopularity
live video snippet I photos I link
Linecheck Festival Milano – Milano Music Week Performance Lulu Schmidt
Music Video Production: Lulu Schmidt – Fire (dir. Rupert Höller) videolink
Albumrelease Lulu Schmidt – BiPopularity, founded by Österreichischer Musikfonds. albumlink
Press Info GERMAN Press Info ENGLISH
Popfest Wien / Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt) link
Berliner Festspiele: Capturing the moving Body, workshop with Christin Schmidt
Haus der Berliner Festspiele: Ready To Let Go/ 2 channel video installation, Filmscreening
Rote Bar, Volkstheater Wien - Aus dem Häuschen- Lulu Schmidt / Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt)
Salon im Looshaus, Vienna – Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt)
Take Festival Vienna: Performance within the binary experience by Sabrina Stadlober (Lulu Schmidt)
Bar jeder Vernunft, Berlin: Solo Performance Lulu Schmidt, with SAFI
Berghain Kantine Berlin / Performance (Lulu Schmidt)
FreitänzerInnen – Artistic Dance Film project in cooperation with Jugendpsychiatrie Altenburg im Rahmen von Kultur macht Stark – with Christin Schmidt
FIRE – artistic dance film production in cooperation with Christin Schmidt, with Bewegungsküche Jena, Kultur macht Stark.
ALBUM RELEASE BiPopularity funded by Österreichischer Musikfonds.
Radio Rotations including: Radio FM4 ”M” Rotation / Playliste + IV Nachmittagsshow, LRT Opus / National Radio Lithuania / daytime rotation, The Cat Radio / UK / daytime rotation, Radio Ballade / France / daytime rotation, Radio Nova / Portugal / singular Plays, Fuori Aula Radio Verona / daytime rotation, New Model Radio / Slovakia / daytime rotation, Altr Radio / Slovenia / daytime rotationRadio Soundportal Graz / Rotation, Campus & City Radio 94.4 (St. Pölten / AT): Rotation, BR Zündfunk / DLF Info / DLF Nova / Ju:Nai (Magdeburg) / Rotation Stadtradio Göttingen / Rotation & Singlereview , Afk Max (Nürnberg) / Rotation , Free FM (Ulm) / Rotation & Phoner & Singlereview ,uv.
Co-Production & Cinematography for 1h live video Nhoah live @stairway to nothingness Glacier concert teaser
Music Video Production: Lulu Schmidt – Play (dir. Adriana Berrotean) videolink
“Handel Fast Forward” – production of album cover photos & music video teaser for israeli singer Efrat Alony –webseite -videos/fotos, video3
production of music videos & visual concept for upcoming album of berlin Singer INA VIOLA Ina Viola / songs “untouchable“, “sheep”, “au revoir” –
production of artistic documentary FUNDAMENTAL (a Project by Rainer Prohaska) for Landesgalerie Niederösterreich / Krems / Austria – in production
“BiPopularity” – electronic Music Album Production / Lulu Schmidt, production funded by MUSIKFONDS AUSTRIA – in production
“Der goldne Ball” music video production for berlin electronic Artist NHOAH – in pre-production
Electric Spring Festival Vienna – Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt) watch video
Waves Festival, Vienna – Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt)
Production for Ruhrfestspiele, “Your Love is fire” – Theater/Film Production: Stage Videos, Sounddesign – Dir. Rafat Alzakhut, Theater an der Ruhr, Summerhall Edinburgh Festival, funded by Kulturstiftung des Bundes Deutschland
Film/Media Production: producing/editing the Conference Video Teaser for Danube Cultural Conference, Interreg / Danube Transnational Program of the European Union – for BMUKK Bundeskanzleramt Kultur und Kunst / Austria, based on the Documentation “Boring River” (Rainer Prohaska)
honored to be receiving funding/ grant for my Album Production BiPopularity (Lulu Schmidt) by MUSIKFONDS AUSTRIA link
Artist talk – speaking at the Danube Cultural Conference/Pecs, Hungary about the artistic work of Rainer Prohaska in the Danube cultural Region. “The key to raising attention. Challenges and perspectives of audience development along the Danube”
Performance/ featured in the TV commercial 4 Jägermeister COLD by Ralf Schmerberg / triggerhappyproductions / Radical Media / Oppermann Weiss, feat. Nadja Auermann – on TV in North America / USA / UK – All Motion Media
“Escalate” / Film Production, Video Project, with Christin Schmidt. Production of a Series of Dance Videos with young Kids & Teenagers from Weimar West. (in cooperation with WeDance, founded by Jugend ins Zentrum, im Rahmen von Kultur macht Stark) video
“Geistern” / Jena, Video Project with Children, with Christin Schmidt, („Geistern“ ist ein Projekt des Fördervereins KinderStärken! in Kooperation mit der Westschule Jena und dem Bewegungsküche e.V. und wurde gefördert von ChanceTanz, einem Projekt des Bundesverbands Tanz in Schulen e.V., im Rahmen des Programms Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung des BMBF.)
Project Management on Site & Guest Artist in Residence at Art Project “Mobile Teahouse” by Rainer Prohaska, Martha Museum Herford.
Solo Performance (Lulu Schmidt): ARENA WIEN , support Band for KÄPTN PENG live video snippet
Solo Performance (as Lulu Schmidt) at: Most:Wanted music conference hosted by Berlin Music Commission. -feat. St.Vito. live video snippet
Music & Video production”Beautiful Day” for the the Netflix Movie “Fucking Berlin”, Video available on DVD & Blue Ray. video
performances Lulu Schmidt (Solo): POPFEST WIEN (link), Lido Berlin, Columbia Theatre Berlin, Gretchen Berlin, Playground Festival / Das Werk, Wien. read review/ falter vienna
proudly hosting the Berlin Music Video Awards
Loosbar, Wien: “Art on Drugs” / Lesung (Carola Schmidt)
BORING RIVER (FILM, 50min.) /with Rainer Prohaska, premiering at DONAUFESTIVAL, Krems – info
live performances :
RE:PUBLICA , Berlin – Music Performance (with Tangowerk)
FUSION Festival / Berlin (with Tangowerk)
Funkenflug Festival Berlin (Lulu Schmidt / Solo Performance)
Forever Now Festival Berlin (with Tangowerk)
Progress Festival, Waldviertler Hoftheater: Live Performance /Art on Drugs
Klunkerkranich, Berlin
live performance III-Points Festival / Miami (with Tangowerk) video
“EMERGENCY” Music Video nominated for Berlin Music Video Awards & on Rotation @ MTV France.
live Performances as Lulu Schmidt with Tangowerk:
Fusion Festival/ Lärz, Bardot Club/Miami, Club 69 /Buenos Aires video, Milion/Buenos Aires, Unite Benefit/Volkshaus Zürich, Pow Wow Festival/Leipzig, Berlin Music Week/Postbahnhof Berlin, Kino International/ Berlin, Rotes Rathaus / Berlin, Ritter Butzke / Berlin, MS Stubnitz / Hamburg, Ultra Ber / Buenos Aires, Columbiahalle Berlin (with Mia.), Docks/ Hamburg (with Mia.), Dresden / Scheune, Frankfurt am Main / Zoom (with Mia.), München / Ampere (with Mia.), Köln / Luxor (with Mia.), …
nominated for Berlin Music Video Awards for musicvideo GELD / BLING (Tangowerk feat. Mia.) in cooperation with Amnesty International watch video
directing the official music video QUEEN / MIA. for Universal Music Germany – produced by PARTIZAN. watch
Lulu Schmidt entering the Finale of Berlin Song Contest with the Song “I am not me!” watch videoteaser
Lulu Schmidt: selected live performances (with Tangowerk): Ritter Butzke / Berlin, MC Stubnitz/Hamburg, Kino International Berlin (Berlin Music Week), Schwuz, Berlin, … watch tangowerk live epk
Gartenbaukino, Vienna ‘ÜberMut’ – screening
Christopher Street Day Berlin, Finale (Main Stage / Brandenburg Gate) – performance as Lulu Schmidt with Tangowerk
Mashup Filmfestival Rome (Innocent)
screening of ‘ÜberMut’ documentary and opening performance by Lulu Schmidt feat. 4 former Boys Choir Members and Peter Quehenberger at exhibition by Carmen Brucic, Neue Galerie, Innsbruck
“Innocent” nominated for Berlin music Video Awards
Reminders Day Aids Gala Berlin – “Innocent” – performance as Lulu Schmidt
film production: artistic documentation for the VIENNA BOYS CHOIR (WIENER SÄNGERKNABEN) (Congress on Courage – a Project by Carmen Brucic).
appearance & artistic cooperation at the theatre event “Congress on Courage” by Carmen Brucic. Performance as Lulu Schmidt. “I AM NOT ME!” / dec. 14/15 2012, Vienna Boys Choir concert hall, Vienna
“Innocent” – music video (director) – released worldwide 2011/12
2012 Beethovenfest Bonn (screening / “The last trick”)
2012 on Tour with Tangowerk as Lulu Schmidt.
Tangowerk – the making of (documentary, 40 min., by Carola Schmidt) – online @ spiegel TV //> watch here
Babylon Berlin – Tangowerk – Night – / Screening: “Wir bitten dich, verführe uns”, “Tangowerk (Doku)” & live performance / weblink: report by dpa @ stern.de
Drehbuchförderung Spielfilmprojekt TANGOWERK vom Bundesministerium f. Kunst u. Kultur / Österreich
release of a DVD with my films / videos as part ot the Album TANGOWERK (-R.O.T / Universal) feat .NHOAH, Adriana Varela, Mieze Katz, Louie Austen, Berlin Comedian Harmonists, etc – buy at Amazon
“The black rose” / “La rosa negra” – Galeria Hilario Galguera / Mexican embassy at Studio Roel Berlin – weblink
“We IN EXIT”: Bühnenvideos für ein Theaterstück von Euforia & Herbst, Préchody Festival, Eisenberger Fabrik Gmünd / NÖ
MK Gallery, Berlin: “The beauty in seduction”
Projektentwicklung TANGOWERK (Musik – Spielfilm, 90 min.): START Stipendium für Filmkunst vom Bundesministerium f. Kunst u. Kultur / Österreich
curating TAPE MODERN Nr. 18 (“I am completely operational“)
Everybody learns from disaster, Villa Elisabeth Berlin
Sendetermin “The last trick”( Look at Beethoven) – WDR/ Westdeutscher Rundfunk 16.03.2010
“Urbi et Orbi”- Paço das Artes / MIS (Museu da Imagem e do Som), São Paulo, Brazil (Filmscreenings), curated by Hugo Fortes
Tape modern No. 12 –TAPE- Berlin, curated by Amir Fattal & Erik Niedling
Videoscreenings Mostravídeo Itaú Cultural,Vitoria & Belo Horizonte, Brazil”Berlin: Transitions and Transformations”curated by Hugo Fortes
Kunsthaus Bonn / Beethovenfest Bonn “The last trick!” / screenings
Beethovenfest / Bonn: Produktionszuschuss für “The last trick!”
Gegenwelten Filmfestival- Künstlerhauskino Wien – 14.03.09 – weblink
Bühnenvideos // – Mia. “Wilkommen im Club” Tour / (12/08 – 03/09)- weblink / tourtermine
“luring into!” / Heiligenkreuzerhof, Wien, curated by Gabriele Rothemann
Pergamonmuseum, Berlin, “Babylon-Mythos und Wahrheit” – Bibliartes Shortlist
“Rites of Passage”, curated by Rebecca Horn, Galeria Maior, Pollenca -weblink
Holdudvar Galeria, Budapest / LADA Project: „We beg you to seduce us!“ / „Kérünk téged, csábíts el minket!“ (solo)
feature: SAATCHI GALLERY, "what's on", curated by Alix Rule
participation in “Künstler treffen in Berlin”, Ricardo von Brasch, Prestel Verlag 2008 / weblink
Mia. „Mein Freund“ // Experimental Film, released on Mia. Mein Freund Maxi CD // feat. Nikolai Kinski / Sony BMG / weblink
DIAGONALE / Austria / Festival des österreichischen Films /
(Award for best newcomerfilm 2007/2008 – “Wir bitten dich, verführe uns!/ We beg you to seduce us!”)
.BHC / “BHC Kollektiv Shows 1+2” / Centrum Hungaricum Berlin Alexanderplatz
Ram Gallery,Rotterdam / LADA Project : “guess who is coming”, with lada project
Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin (solo)/ “wir bitten dich, verführe uns!”
Kunsthalle Wien / permanently featured at Ursula Blickle Videoarchiv from 11 / 07 , nominated for ursula blickle videoprize
Schloß Sarcow, Berlin / “chateau ivre”, curated by Rebecca Horn
Filmforum, Gmünd / NÖ – stadtkino prinz / interaktive lesung & filme mit pfefferkornuntertonvanilli
Infernoesque, Berlin / “infernesque grande”
DFFB- deutsche film- und fernsehakademie, berlin / “ungewöhnliche begegnung”- carola schmidt, tiko karrasch, judith bauch
Udk, Berlin / Meisterschülerausstellung (meisterschülerin von rebecca horn) – article about my film by saatchi online
209205 Eveningside Dr, Los Angeles CA / ex.serials no.2 (katalog)
Udk, Berlin / performance night, class of rebecca horn.
Artothek Galerie, Wien: “the last trick” (Solo)
Galerie Kaiserstr., Wien : “franz jagt urselbein”
Kunsthaus, Meiningen: “sexophil”
Stiftung Starke, Berlin: “tiger im löwenpalais”
Rodles Tage, Rödles, Germany: “too lazy for the revolution!” (mit t. tillmann)
Zinnober @ Berlinale @ HAU, berlin: “eine nacht zinnober” / mit sally busse + ina viola blasius
Sophiensaele, Berlin: “100 jahre sophiensaele” / “(…)-eine zerstäubung in mehreren posen”
Hiroshima, Japan: “mendanart”
Klangkunstbühne, Berlin: “eigenart” (ruedi häusermann)
MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien: “the essence” (diaprogramm) (katalog)
Institut für Philosophie, die Angewandte, Wien: “magie, zauberei und illusion”
Culturni Centar, Belgrad: “beograd film festival” / filmprogramm
Kunstwoche Grafenschlag /ö: “wenn elemente walten”, videoprojektionen zu einer lesung von pfefferkornuntertonvanili
Kunstakademie Münster / filmprogramm (katalog)
Internat. forum der kunst u. kultur, politik u. wissenschaft, berlin: “cross the river”
Stiftung Starke, Berlin: “mitternacht-tage im löwenpalais”
Galerie König, Wien: “48h” / “lesung : lauschangriff“, performance” mit t. tillmann, spiegelinstallation, mit magda tothova
Künstlerhaus, Wien: “the essence” / (diaprojektionen) (katalog)
Chinatournee (violine) mit dem wtv / conductor: huw rhys james